This is Energy on Clyde.
Hello, Glasgow.
We are Gren – a positively different energy company.
We are working with Glasgow to build secure, affordable and cleaner energy in the industrial heart of the city that will benefit local businesses, people and the community.

Building Heat Networks for the Future. Now.
We passionately believe that clean energy should be for everyone. And that it should be affordable.
Our approach will create heat that is reliable and secure from global market fluctuations.
We won’t do this alone.
You will see us working with others, collaborating and sharing to deliver for this city faster and better.
Want to learn more about affordable energy in Glasgow?
District Heating: A new type of energy system.
Minimising loss & saving customers’ money by thinking bigger to join up the dots.
Gren is innovating district energy in Glasgow.
At the heart of Energy on Clyde is a joint venture between Gren and Fortum to process material that would otherwise end up in landfill.
We distribute the energy created from this process through local networks of cables and hot water pipes that are connected to buildings, serving blocks of flats, hospitals, schools and industrial customers with reliable and affordable low carbon energy.
Closing the Loop
Impacting Communities
Resource Collaboration
Why heat networks with Gren?
Gren is a convener in the energy industry.
We bring together business and government to innovate together. We help organisations reclaim lost heat, turning it into both an asset and a revenue stream.
Work with usWorking with us is easy.
It isn’t about us, it’s about US, together. Gren brings everyone in the community together to make sure we are all part of the journey. No ego. Just confident collaboration and collective action.
What is Energy on Clyde?
Energy on Clyde is a new type of energy company established for Glasgow. The system includes power and district heating which will allow buildings in Glasgow to get access to heat and power in a new way.
Built by Gren, Energy on Clyde will harness lost heat from a number of renewable sources and deliver energy in a more efficient way. By doing this we make resilient and secure low carbon energy something that is affordable for everyone.
Gren is a Northern European energy company with a track record of operating similar energy systems for decades, set up in the UK 18 months ago. Glasgow is the first city we are working with in Scotland, and we are excited to bring our ingenuity and investment to bear in this great city.
What is the South Clyde Energy Centre?
Currently under construction, the South Clyde Energy Centre is co-owned by Gren and by Fortum. This facility will make safe unwanted material from across Glasgow with heat and power created as a by-product of this process.
Gren is building the next era of Glasgow’s energy supply, starting in the heart of the industrial docklands.
The South Clyde Energy Centre will give businesses access to district heating in Glasgow, redirecting waste heat to create a low carbon, cost-effective energy solution.
Compared to other low-carbon options?
The energy delivered by Energy on Clyde will be significantly cheaper compared to installing individual heat pumps.
The total bill paid by customers also includes all system maintenance, repair and replacement costs: if anything breaks, we replace it, creating access to more affordable energy in Glasgow.
Compared to fossil fuel heating systems?
Energy on Clyde will be price competitive with any heating system. Fossil fuel prices are extremely volatile, if they are really low, the heat from Energy on Clyde could be a little more expensive. As Energy on Clyde is not directly linked to international oil and gas markets, pricing is stable and predictable, giving you certainty and peace-of-mind and keeping the total cost of energy lower.
Connecting is simple and straightforward for customers. We don’t have complicated contracts. We don’t use lots of consultants to make it ‘bespoke’ when it really isn’t. Instead, we tell you what we are going to do, when we are going to do it, mapping out a really simple process for you to connect your buildings to the network.
Yes. We will connect as many buildings as possible to the network, moving as quickly as possible. And the more buildings that connect at the same time, the quicker we can go.
Yes. Energy on Clyde will be compliant with existing and future Scottish Government regulations for heat networks and building regulations. In addition, the government and Glasgow City Council are developing ‘Heat Network Zones’ where heat networks will be preferred as a decarbonisation solution for heat and hot water in buildings. This area of Glasgow has already been identified as a great area for a Heat Network Zone.
Low Carbon
Energy on Clyde will utilise heat from the South Clyde Energy Centre. At this site, unwanted material is made safe, with electricity and heat generated as a by-product—a process recognised by the UK and Scottish Government’s as a low-carbon energy solution. All part of the Scottish Government’s strategy to stop using landfill.
Can I generate income?
Energy on Clyde could become an additional source of income for your business if you have spare capacity.
If you produce heat or need cooling, then there could be times when Gren pays you to add your energy to the Energy on Clyde network.
Do I have to retrofit my building completely to connect?
The water in network will be kept at a temperature which can work with all types and ages of buildings, so your retrofit costs will be much lower than with any other low-carbon solution (including heat pumps), which often require upgrades in the building’s heat distribution pipes and radiators. There may be no retrofit costs at all if we can tap our heat pipe into your building where your current boilers are.
How does pricing work?
It works the same way as a gas bill: a fixed charge element and a variable charge element. The fixed charge covers the cost of maintaining the system and replacing parts as the system ages. The variable charge element covers your consumption—so you only pay for what you use. The benefit of a heat network is that you don’t have a separate cost paid to ‘maintain your boiler’ as the total price you pay for heat includes all maintenance and repair costs. No sudden nasty surprises here.
When Can I join?
We will be connecting buildings to our network in 2026, and heat will be turned on in early 2027.
Can I Leave Energy on Clyde?
Yes. If Energy on Clyde no longer works for you, we will support your transition off the network.
Is the fuel used at the South Clyde Energy Centre low-carbon?
The refuse derived fuel (RDF) used at the South Clyde Energy Centre typically has a 50% biogenic content. This will increase as recycling rates improve, further enhancing the low-carbon credentials of the energy produced by the site. Energy on Clyde’s strategic location—adjacent to one of Glasgow’s largest water treatment works, industrial sites, and the River Clyde—will also allow us to harness other low-carbon solutions for heat beyond the South Clyde Energy Centre.
Where does carbon capture fit in?
The carbon impact of the recovered heat is negligible. While Gren carbon capture technology is a potential future solution that could further reduce emissions, our current focus is on maximising the low-carbon potential of our existing infrastructure. By using multiple sustainable energy sources, we are putting truly sustainable, best-in-class low-carbon energy infrastructure at the centre of Glasgow’s Net Zero future.
Will I be able to track the carbon content of my energy?
To ensure full transparency, Gren will develop detailed carbon calculations for each building connected to Energy on Clyde, based on the energy supplied through the network. These tailored calculations will account for the heat and power generated at the South Clyde Energy Centre and for other low-carbon heat sources used, quantifying the carbon impact of the infrastructure and its contribution to the city’s wider sustainability goals.
Contact Gren about green energy.
When you work with Gren, the solution we’ll build together will ensure heat that is reliable and cost-effective, with guaranteed price stability.
Want to know more? We’d love to hear from you.